Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's working!!!

So a few days being back on the probiotics and...they are working! They were definitly what was missing, okay not all of what was missing but a key component. My tummy is feeling better, and the rest of my insides are following. 2lbs down!!!

so next on my to do list is...
-make an appointmen with the new chiro I found!!! get my back back in place
-start working out a couple days a week...I would really like to do Yoga and/or Pilates : )
-swim a little every day with my little fish!
-continue to fix my eating habits, which means to STOP drinking Pepsi : ( completely.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


So I think I figured out why I just feel out of sorts...I haven't quite stuck to my regamin of vitamins and such since my son was born...I've changed and added but I forgot one key item that initially started me on my quest to feeling better. PROBIOTICS. How could I forget this??? So I will go to the store tomorrow and get some! I had worked on my nutrition a while back with my chiro and was taking the supplements that he carried...but I no longer see him (which is a story for another time) so I have done some research and I have found that any probiotics that have L. Acidophilous are best for a is good for women : ) So, I hope by adding these to my handful of vitamins and better eating...and a new chiro...that I will get myself back into sorts! Probiotics, Fish Oil, Cranberry, Magnesium, Prenatal Vitamins, and Papaya when my acid reflux flares up...what a handful but it works!!!
I think that I'm gonna give these ones a try!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Getting on track

So I used to eat oatmeal for breakfast, a spinach salad for lunch and one for dinner, fruit, veggies and nuts for snacks, I only drank water...and gave myself a treat once a week...when I got pregnant that all changed... and it hasn't gone back in the right direction since...

My goal is to get back to Oatmeal with fruit for breakfast, and spinach salads with grilled chicken and healthy toppings for lunch and dinner, healthy snacks for me and my son, and I will of course treat myself once a week : )

My biggest problem with getting on track is that I live with my parents...they are not healthy eaters at all. There is barely any room in the fridge for me to keep anything...I guess I really need to get my own fridge for my room. And even if I can find space for healthy things, they eat it!

The hardest thing about getting on track is all the bad influences around me. My family, work, and my already bad habits of snacking when I'm bored and my slight addiction to Cherry Pepsi...

MY GOAL IS 145lbs and a flatter stomach (not going for a six pack just flatter), to compliment a healthy body and mind : )

I will achieve my goal by eating healthy, taking my supplements daily, going to the chiropracter on a regular basis, adding light exercise to my daily routine, and blogging about my progress to keep myself accountable.

Starting over

A lot has happened to me in the past two years...and that is an understatement. That is for another time and place though. Everything that happened has taught me how to be me, live for me, and love me.
Two years ago mentally and physically I hit rock bottom. I was battling depression and my weight had climbed to over 200lbs...I stopped looking at a scale until I was certain I was below that again...It was a random day that I realized where I was. There was no significant event that triggered it, just a moment of clarity I guess. I looked in the mirror and asked myself what the hell was wrong with me... That was my first begining. I started to watch what I ate, portion sizes, amount of sweets, and how much soda I drank. Those little changes started something great for me, and I lost until I plateued at 185... I was happier, healthier, and a lot lighter in my mind : ) I went from a size 16 back to a 12!!! Next life threw me a curve ball...divorce...with that I kicked myself into high gear! I began to work out, jogging a couple days a week and ate only healthy...
I made it down to 145! I don't even think I had weighed that little since jr. high maybe freshmen year of highschool...I was HOT!!!

then another curve ball...I was pregnant...The single BEST thing that has ever happened to me : )
36 weeks prego!

With that we are here and now...I have an amazing 9 month old little boy : ) I am a full time single mom and student, and I work part-time. I live with my wonderful parents, and while this has been the most humbling experience of my life, I am so greatful to them for the help and support they continue to give me, and I can honestly say I do not know where I would be without them.

Memorial Weekend 2010..155lbs...

Not exactly where I want to be but not bad for a start...